BERICHT ZUM ART.SCHOOL.DIFFERENCES-ABSCHLUSSSYMPOSIUM ‚BECAUSE IT’S 2016‘ von Karin Hostettler* Art.School.Differences verfolgte ein ambitioniertes Projekt: Im Zentrum stand die Studie, in deren Abschlussbericht deutlich wird, welche Prozesse von Inklusion und Exklusion an Schweizer Kunsthochschulen am Wirken sind. Dem Ansatz der partizipativen…

REPORT ON THE FINAL SYMPOSIUM ART.SCHOOL.DIFFERENCES by Quentin Delval* Arriving at the Toni Areal after a long day and a longish train ride, I wasn’t in top form when I entered the Hörsaal 1 around 7:15pm. But the setting instantly…

We would like to draw your attention to a publication Surviving Art School. An Artist of Colour Tool Kit created by Collective Creativity, which came out of a workshop and lecture at Nottingham Contemporary; discussing race and politics in art…

A Symposium by Art.School.Differences Venue: Toni Areal, Zürich on 11 & 12. November 2016 Times: FRI 14-21.15h; SAT 9-18.15h Please register (free admission): a_s_d.eventbrite.com and indicate if you need special accommodation A year ago, when asked “why it is so…

„The moment when we start having skilled disabled performers lokking for work, they will start pushing the medium.“ (Pedro Madacho, Co-Artistic director, CandoCo Dance Company, UK) With a critical comment provided by Art.School.Differences in the plenary afternoon-discussion. Flyer

SAVE THE DATE: November 11/12.2016 at the Toni Areal, ZHdK, Zürich Join us for a final symposium by Art.School.Differences → Find out about the main findings of the research → Listen to keynotes by Nana Adusei-Poku (Rotterdam), Cornelia Bartsch (Hamburg),…

Eine kritische Betrachtung der Aufnahmeverfahren an der ZHdK Dienstag, 29. September 2015, 12.15 bis 13.30 Uhr, ZHdK, Raum 5.K04 Warum studieren nur gesunde, sportliche und «schöne» Menschen Schauspiel? Warum ist «sur dossier» stressiger als mit Matur? Warum werden Koreaner_innen gerne…

HEAD Projects How to survive in the Swiss art school jungle The project of Daniel Zea, Hyunji Lee and Andrea Nucamendi is concerned with the inequalities faced by non-European students at Swiss art schools. The research group that understands itself…

Colloquium no. 5; Friday 3rd July 2015, 18.00 at HEAD – Genève The assumption that everybody is physically and mentally fit, efficient and productive is so much at the heart of higher education that ableism is often times not considered when it comes…