Finally, the time has come: Project CH+ is growing. This post is for the new faces of the +Team. A warm welcome to Donato, Mela, Emma and Florian.
+Team Basel-Stadt
Donato Rotunno
Donato has quite some years of work experience in IT and makes sure that our project is set up to work well in the long-run. Frontend developer at Liip during the day, he likes to support open source projects in his free time. Now, he is part of our crew! Already in the first month, his knowledge has proven to be most valuable to the project.
Mela Kocher
As Senior Researcher at the Zurich University of the Arts, Mela specialized in game research and serious game design. To present her findings, she travels to conferences around the world. She supports us with her research experience, design knowledge and the administration at the Zurich University of the arts. Mela is dynamic, motivated and assists with the planning of the project.
+Team 2021
Emma McMillin
After her studies in illustration and game design, Emma knows her way around animation, sound design, game design and programming. She is interested in educational games and playful learning. In September, she will take on the visuals for the next project iteration.
Florian Meyer
Next to his work as systems engineer, Florian regularly participates in game jams. He is interested in interactive learning systems and is developing for various platforms. Starting in September, he will be co-developing the newest version of our electoral support tool.
Website: Stefan Wohlgensinger
Stefan is a UX Designer with a flair for serious games. For his Bachelor thesis, he created a concept for seniors. He is supporting us with the development of a new project website.
Yes, the new team is here and a new website is in the making! I will keep this blog updated, though not as frequently as in the first couple of months.
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