Category: Video

Interview with a former member of the Council of States: Markus Stadler

This video is in Swiss German. I will work on captions as soon as possible.

The elections are around the corner and I am in den living room of the former member of the Council of States, Markus Stadler.

This interview revolves around politics, being without a party, elections, the young generation and Marcus’ evaluation of Project CH+’s entertainment approach.

The 10 minute video interview  is the result of a one hour conversation. Maybe I will find time in the future to elaborate on the interview and the thoughts behind it. Until then, enjoy!

Politics at the Züri Fäscht

Finding the politician of your dreams is not an easy task. Luckily, we are here to help!

Over the course of this project, I have spoken to friends, roommates and fellow students about how they feel represented by our system and our politicians. Now it is high time to have voters represented on this blog. The Züri Fäscht takes place every three years. Equipped with a microphone and a camera, I joined the crowd to celebrate, and to ask a couple of questions about politics. …

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