Tag: Testing

«So… what about politics?»

Bringing up politics often leads to annoyed stares, sighs and a swift change of topic. Does it have to be that way?
(image: Federal Office of Statistics, 2015)

Why the voter participation in Switzerland is relatively low when compared to our international neighbours, has been researched by various institutions. The fact: in 1971, 56.9% of eligible voters participated, during our last elections this number was at 48.5%.

The research which is part of Project CH+ does not aim to explain these circumstances, but to find new approaches to address the issue. …

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First User Tests

Donika (GR), Stella (TI), Nina (UR), Jelle (Netherlands) and Glenn (BS) share their thoughts.

In various settings – from a park bench next to the Limmat, to a student kitchen in Lausanne – I collected first responses to our application. The five test sessions took 15-30 minutes each. …

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