“ SSMN @ ICST ” programmed at ICMC-SMC2014
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
OS8: Artificial Intelligence and Music
Time: 10:20 Room: Odeon 3
See you then !
“ SSMN @ ICST ” programmed at ICMC-SMC2014
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
OS8: Artificial Intelligence and Music
Time: 10:20 Room: Odeon 3
See you then !
From: ICMC14-SMC214 [info-papers@icmc14-smc14.net]Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 12:14 PMTo: Ellberger EmileSubject: ICMC|SMC|2014 Review Results[…]
We are glad to inform you that your submission entitledSpatialization Symbolic Music Notation at ICSThas been accepted as a paper for oral presentation.
The Segment-D course was successfully completed with the presentation of practical SSMN applications by the participants. Their feedback was vital for the continuation of SSMN R&D.
A paper re. SSMN was submitted for publication at the end of the year. It is presently undergoing peer review.
A brief talk updating the state of SSMN activity and its future (SSMN II) was presented at the monthly ICST meetings. We expect to move ahead and improve the prototype to include new functionalities (3D, effects, integration capacities with other software, MusicXML & SpatDif output).
16 hours
Initial Lesson – 25.09.2013 13:00
Computermusicstudio, Florhof 06, Zürich
Greetings & Introduction
Organisation: establishing the course schedule
Student background & experience
Defining SSMN
“Connaître le métier” : professional background
General description of prerequisite skills
“Sound in Space-1” :
Comparative analysis of various ‘physical’ spatial paradigms
“Sound in Space-2” :
Comparative analysis of various ‘virtual’ spatial paradigms
Perception & Description :
Vocabulary and communication in space
Review and discussion
Notation of spatialization in contemporary music since 1950
Analysis of spatial techniques in compositions
Assignments – Student activity
Presentation of assigned work
SSMN in practice
SSMN tools: (installation & instructions)
Student workflows
Presentation of assigned work
Student work in progressStudent work presentation
Closing activities, final observations, evaluation
Students will be expected to do assigned readings and invent their own musical exercises to be experimented in the studio.
Dozenten: Emile Ellberger / Johannes Schütt
This course is intended for composers, musicians, actors, dancers, choreographers, performance artists, sound engineers, motion-analysis researchers, multimedia artists, psychoacousticians, musicologists.
In musical thinking the concept of sound in space is a fundamental requirement. In the description of such premises we often lack the terminology to describe and implement them.
The SNF / ICST research project “SSMN” deals precisely with these issues and their challenges, namely how to manage various aspects of sound spatialization within the performance space. Thanks to the developed software tools as well as a taxonomy and graphical symbols, the notation in a musical score and its spatialization in 3D sound space is now possible. Results arising from the SSMN project shall be demonstrated and incorporated within practical exercises. The course will take on the character of a workshop.
Hardware Requirements: Macintosh laptop users (OSX 10.7 +) and headphones
The dates of the sessions will be determined at an initial meeting which will be announced in early September.
Blockkurse, mehrere Termine im Semester nach Absprache
ICST, Mediacampus Baslerstrasse 30, 8048 Zürich, Zugang 7 (Freihofstrasse)
Florhofgasse 6, 8001 Zürich, Computermusikstudio
Sekretariat Komposition / Theorie / Tonmeister
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Florhofgasse 6, CH-8001 Zürich
Tel: +41 43 446 51 82
Dieser Kurs richtet sich an: Komponisten, Musiker, Schauspieler, Tänzer, Choreographen, Performancekünstler, Tonmeister, Researcher in movement Analysis, Medienkünstler, Psychoakustiker, Musikwissenschaftler.
Im musikalischen Denken ist die Räumlichkeit eine fundamentale Voraussetzung. In der Beschreibung jener Räumlichkeiten fehlt uns oft die Begrifflichkeit, um sie zu beschreiben und umzusetzen.
Das SNF/ICST Forschungsprojekt “SSMN” beschäftigt sich genau mit diesen Fragen und Herausforderungen, d.h. mit dem Versuch der Konkretisierung der Vorstellung im Klangraum. Mit den erarbeiteten Software-Tools, einer Taxonomie und grafischen Symbolen ist die Notation von Gesten und deren Spatialisation im 3D-Klangraum in einer musikalischen Partitur möglich. Es werden Wege und Resultate, die aus dem Forschungsprojekt SSMN resultieren, diskutiert und aufgezeigt. Der Kurs hat Werkstattcharakter.
Voraussetzungen: Macintosh-Laptop (OSX 10.7+), Kopfhörer
Blockkurse, mehrere Termine im Semester nach Absprache
ICST, Mediacampus Baslerstrasse 30, 8048 Zürich, Zugang 7 (Freihofstrasse)
Florhofgasse 6, 8001 Zürich, Computermusikstudio
Sekretariat Komposition / Theorie / Tonmeister
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Florhofgasse 6, CH-8001 Zürich
Tel: +41 43 446 51 82
Ce cours s’adresse aux compositeurs, musiciens, acteurs, danseurs, chorégraphes, artistes de performance, ingénieurs du son, chercheurs en analyse du mouvement, artistes multimédia, psychoacousticiens, musicologues.
La réflexion musicale de l’espace est une exigence fondamentale. Dans la description de l’espace sonore, nous manquons souvent la terminologie pour la décrire et la mettre en œuvre.
Le projet de recherche “SSMN” (SNF/ICST) concerne précisément ces enjeux et défis, notamment
comment, entre autre, gérer divers aspects de la spatialisation sonore en salle de spectacle. Grace aux outils développés (des logiciels liés à la taxonomie de l’espace et ses symbole graphiques, la notation des gestes et leur spatialisation dans l’espace sonore 3D dans une partition musicale) est dorénavant possible. Les moyens et résultats découlant du projet SSMN sont démontrés et incorporés à travers des travaux pratiques. Le cours prends le caractère d’atelier.
Matériel requis: Macintosh portable (OSX 10.7 +) avec écouteurs
Les dates des sessions seront définis lors de la première rencontre, laquelle sera annoncé à la rentrée (début Septembre.
Sekretariat Komposition / Theorie / Tonmeister
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Florhofgasse 6, CH-8001 Zürich
Tel: +41 43 446 51 82