Mehdi Sahebi

Mehdi Sahebi was born in 1963 in Iran. He has lived in Switzerland since 1983. He studied ethnology, history and international law at the University of Zurich. In 2006 he gained a PhD in ethnology with a focus on visual anthropology. He works as, director, editor and lecturer.

2023 Prisoners of Destiny – documentary, 100 min.
2016 MIRR – documentary film, 90 min.
2006 Zeit des Abschieds (Time of Closure) – documentary film, 70 min.
2002 Un étranger me regarde – documentary, 52 min. 1999 (XI) Exprimental, 9 min.

> ZDOK.25 Contribution: Beziehungsbildung in Langzeitdokumentarfilmen