In the afternoon of May 23, I was a guest at inside labs. The tech company works in the intersection between technology, meaning and mind. While doing so, the end-users are always their first priority. With their winter sports app “INSIDE LAAX”, they have skilfully proven the effectiveness of their formula. This is where Michael Krähenbühl. He is the Digital Experience Architect at inside labs and knows his way around usability, gamification and tech development. Michael gave me valuable pointers with regards to the IT-related aspects of our project.
How exactly can we implement the data, which is provided by out partners? What is feasible within our time-frame? After our discussion, I had a more elaborate understanding of the technical scope of our endeavour.
I am grateful, that Michael offered to design the technical architecture for our app! As a result, the gap between idea and product is getting diminished. Our project is getting more tangible. Concerning the CH+ concept, I was able to tap into his experience on usability and gamification.
I left Lucerne with a far better understanding of the technical dimension of my work and the necessary planning. Well then, let’s begin…