Now, your opinion takes center stage. In this blog entry you’ll find information on the coming research. Let’s create something amazing!
Since this March, I am working on a concept which shows people their political options in a playful way.
After talking to game designers and political experts, it is time to put emphasis on your side of the story.
The idea is to create something which is useful and enjoyable for you. In order to do this, I need your opinion! Your thoughts allow me to design something which supports you.
We start in September!
The next weeks will be filled with the following:

These survey concern your thoughts on politics, elections and games. The general rule is: There are no wrong answers!
The surveys are online, take 5-10 minutes and are sent out via mail.

User Tests
Help us shape the usability and functionality of our application!
User Tests take place in Zurich as well as online. Testers are chosen from all participants of the research.

Your profile
Since this project is specific to Swiss politics, you should be legible to vote in Switzerland.
Ideally you are between 18-28 years old, but in this point we are flexible.
You don’t need any knowledge about politics or games in order to participate!
In case you are not signed up yet, you can do so here, starting today until the beginning of September.
I am looking forward to receive your message!