Residencies at Immersive Arts Space

The Immersive Arts Space, in collaboration with other institutions and departments of the ZHdK, offers residency opportunities to artists and researchers. Current calls for proposals, as well as current and past collaborations, can be found here.


A glocal network exploring bodies in the age of computer mediated reality

BODIES-MACHINES-PUBLICS brings together a “glocal” (global and local) network of cultural and research partners in Switzerland, India and Chile that seek to provide time and space for artists to develop prototypes and works exploring the sensitive body and technical mediation in relation to public space. The project is a two-year collaborative initiative between NAVE (Chile), KHOJ Studios (India), Immersive Arts Space/ZHdK (Zurich, Switzerland) and Kornhausforum (Bern, Switzerland) and is supported by the Pro Helvetia Synergies Program.

People increasingly interact with technologies such as wearable sensors, VR/AR headsets or other data gathering systems on an intimate, bodily level which successfully blurs the lines between the physical and the digital; the body and its interaction with its environment. At the same time, the involuntary data collection and machine-led decisions that arise from these sensing technologies exacerbates historical inequalities, particularly affecting marginalized groups. Addressing the capture of human motion, thoughts and experience through new technologies is therefore an ongoing challenge that requires new kinds of creative and imaginative practices.

We are interested in the contribution of artists who are processually exploring the relationship between existing power structures using both digital and physical technologies and the possibility of challenging them through artistic-led creation, where the human body lies at the center of the exploration.

The application deadline has ended on 7th July 2024.