SSMN main activities in 2016

Germán Toro Perez represented SSMN at the TENOR 2016: International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation & Representation in Cambridge UK during 27-29 May, 2016. At that occasion the paper “Taxonomy and Notation of Spatialization” and an accompanying poster  were presented thanks to the efforts of  the SSMN team members, in particular Emile Ellberger, Germán Toto Perez, Johannes Schütt, Linda Cavaliero, and our newest member Basile Zimmerman Linda finalized the SSMN font 1.0 for it to be part of SMuFL (Standard Music Font Layout). Christian Schweizer, SSMN’s software developer, ported the SSM symbol set to more recent versions of MuseScore 2 and MuseScore 3. Also there is interest from the MaxScore conceptor  George Hadju to incorporate SSMN aspects into his software. He has seen SSMN at the 2 TENOR conferences and met with us in Zurich inviting SSMN to Hamburg.


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SSMN in Autumn

The TENOR conference in Paris last summer was extremely instructive (see A new SSMN poster attracted visitors who gave us very valuable feedback. In particular, issues discussed at the time led to  SSMN font designing and finding a tie-in between inScore and MuseScoreSSMN. Concerning the latter, Johannes Schuett and Emile Ellberger met up with GRAME in Lyon in order to study collaboration possibilities. This investigation will be pursued during a GRAME/ICST meeting in Zurich November 10 & 11, 2015.

The team has two new members, Christian Schweitzer in IT development, and Basile Zimmermann as academic partner whose input has already clarified short term and medium term strategies.

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SSMN has been invited to present a poster on the research project at IRCAM in Paris on Friday 29.06.2015 14:00 as part of TENOR 2015 First International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation.

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SSMN Abstract 2015


SSMN intends to develop a conceptual framework and a tool set that allows composers to integrate spatialization in musical notation from the onset of the creation process.
As the composition takes form and graphic symbols expressing spatialization is introduced into the score, instant audio rendering provides feedback within a surround sound configuration. In parallel, SSMN helps interpreters and audio engineers to learn and master scores that contain complex instructions of motion in space easily re-cognizable both in printed and animated electronic format.
At first a SSMN Spatial Taxonomy was established to identify key motion in space possibilities within musical context; consequently, a collection of SSMN Symbols has been designed and implemented in a software library of graphical objects within MuseScoreSSMN, a dedicated editor that has been developed to allow interactive use of this library along with CWMN.
In order to bridge the gap between visual elements and audio perception, an SSMN-Rendering-Engine application is at the heart of OSC inter-application communication strategies allowing the use of DAW and user-defined programming environments along with MuseScoreSSMN. A prototype has been prepared and tested by a user group consisting of composers and performers. Further research shall address other user cases integrating electroacoustic parad

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SSMN @ ICMC/SMC 2014 in Athens

We were very happy to present our paper in Athens. It was well received and we had very useful feedback. Two pioneers Jean-Claude Risset and John Chowning were particularly encouraging. For more information all those interested can download our paper. The Keynote/Powerpoint presentation can also be downloaded as a film.

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