Category: Research

2nd Round of Research: Uri Elections 2020

First field test

On March 8, Uri is electing its new cantonal parliament as well as the governing council.

This week, the second research round for Project CH+ started with the trainees of Uri’s department of personnel and four school classes of the cantonal secondary school of Uri.

Until the elections, half of the participants will use the beta version of the app, while the other half is using an alternative offer for electoral support. Both groups are tasked to create their own list for the elections. After the elections, there will be an concluding survey, which allows to compare the two approaches.  

Until the elections, the application will also be publicly available.

step into action

Democracy and its sustainable future

step into action is an event which was first organized by volunteers in 2011. In an interactive parcours, students playfully get into contact with various topics in the area of sustainability. This year, I joined the event to sit together with young people and discuss the future of politics, democracy and games. …

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Third Online Survey

All good things come in threes…

In one week it will be over (almost)! After nearly 500 people participated in the first two surveys, this three-part online research is coming to an end.

Until November 3, you are most welcome to participate! This final survey is about your perception of the parliamentary elections 2019 and your wishes for digitally available information during future elections.

At this point already a big thank you to everyone who participated!
I will evaluate the collected answers and revise the design of the current app prototype accordingly.

Interview with a former member of the Council of States: Markus Stadler

This video is in Swiss German. I will work on captions as soon as possible.

The elections are around the corner and I am in den living room of the former member of the Council of States, Markus Stadler.

This interview revolves around politics, being without a party, elections, the young generation and Marcus’ evaluation of Project CH+’s entertainment approach.

The 10 minute video interview  is the result of a one hour conversation. Maybe I will find time in the future to elaborate on the interview and the thoughts behind it. Until then, enjoy!

First Online Survey

Ready, set, go!

It’s happening! Today we are starting with the online surveys. This first questionnaire will be online for one week, the second one will follow in the beginning of October.

EDIT 15. September: Wow, more than 300 replies! The duration of the first survey is extended. It will be online until September 22.

«So… what about politics?»

Bringing up politics often leads to annoyed stares, sighs and a swift change of topic. Does it have to be that way?
(image: Federal Office of Statistics, 2015)

Why the voter participation in Switzerland is relatively low when compared to our international neighbours, has been researched by various institutions. The fact: in 1971, 56.9% of eligible voters participated, during our last elections this number was at 48.5%.

The research which is part of Project CH+ does not aim to explain these circumstances, but to find new approaches to address the issue. …

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First User Tests

Donika (GR), Stella (TI), Nina (UR), Jelle (Netherlands) and Glenn (BS) share their thoughts.

In various settings – from a park bench next to the Limmat, to a student kitchen in Lausanne – I collected first responses to our application. The five test sessions took 15-30 minutes each. …

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Politics at the Züri Fäscht

Finding the politician of your dreams is not an easy task. Luckily, we are here to help!

Over the course of this project, I have spoken to friends, roommates and fellow students about how they feel represented by our system and our politicians. Now it is high time to have voters represented on this blog. The Züri Fäscht takes place every three years. Equipped with a microphone and a camera, I joined the crowd to celebrate, and to ask a couple of questions about politics. …

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