Towards new multi-user dramaturgies in interactive and immersive performance

Leading House Asia, 2024/25

This interdisciplinary project brings together two internationally recognized labs working at the intersection of arts and sciences – the Immersive Arts Space and the Visualization Research Center (VRC) at the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). The project will develop a pilot prototype for a new kind of multi-user interactive performance where the audience can individually and collectively influence the dramaturgical evolution of the event. Through a major Hong Kong government innovation grant, the VRC under the leadership of Jeffrey Shaw, a pioneer in the development of immersive technological environments, has developed a world-leading interactive multimedia visualization system called nVis.

‘Leading Houses’ are intended as start-up funding for international research projects. These are competence networks mandated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SBFI).

Collaborating Reseachers: Martin Fröhlich, Stella Speziali, Chris Salter