An der Tagung werden die unten aufgelisteten Filme behandelt. Angemeldete Teilnehmer:innen können eine Auswahl vom 15.3. bis zum 26.3. kostenfrei streamen.
The films listed below will be discussed at the conference. Registered participants can stream a selection free of charge from 15.3. to 26.3.
A History Of The World According To Getty Images
Written and edited by Richard Misek, 2022
> Referat: The World According To Getty Images
“This thought-provoking short film examines the meaning of the term “public domain,” and what happens to images whose copyright has expired and theoretically become freely available to all. Why is it that this type of image so often falls into the hands of commercial organizations such as Getty Images, which then requires payment to use them? What are the implications of putting images of historical events behind a paywall?” IDFA 2022
> Website (incl. download of the film for free)
Bella Ciao – per la libertà
Directed by Giulia Giapponesi, 2022
> Referat: Discovering Hidden Origins
“For decades, wherever people have fought against injustice, they have sung “Bella ciao.” It is said to have been the anthem of Italian partisans fighting against fascism in the Second World War, but there are those who doubt the truth of this. The origins of the song are unclear. Was it a folk song favored by exploited workers in the rice fields in Italy? The research is based on various speakers and archive material…In the film, the song connects the struggles for liberation by different generations in various countries.” IDFA 2022
Nelly & Nadine
Directed by Magnus Gertten, 2022
> Referat: The Secrets of an Archive Film Reel
«Inmitten des Konzentrationslagers Ravensbrück ertönt die Stimme der Opernsängerin Nelly. Es ist Weihnachten im Jahr 1944 als Nelly und Nadine sich zum ersten Mal begegnen. Heute stellt sich Nellys Enkelin Sylvie dem in einer Kiste verschlossenen Vermächtnis ihrer Großmutter. In Fotografien, Super-8- und Audioaufnahmen sowie in poetischen und erschütternden Tagebucheinträgen stößt die Enkelin nicht nur auf die Erinnerungen ihrer Großmutter an das KZ, sondern auch auf Zeugnisse eines gemeinsamen Lebens mit Nadine». Berlinale 2022
Fragile Memory
Directed by Igor Ivanko, 2022
> Referat: Private Memories, Collective Loss
Der sowjetische Kameramann Leonid Burlaka arbeitete in den 1960er Jahren in seiner Geburtsstadt Odesa für das Odesskaja kinostudija in der damaligen Ukrainischen Sozialistischen Sowjetrepublik an Filmen, die um die Welt gingen. Heute ist er achtzig Jahre alt, und mit der Diagnose Alzheimer verblasst sein Gedächtnis zusehends. Der Filmemacher Igor Ivanko folgt den Spuren, die sein Großvater hinterließ, und entdeckt in der Garage ein Archiv von immensem Wert…Ivanko erkennt, dass er einen Schatz von historischer Aussagekraft in den Händen hält. DOK Leipzig 2022
The Beatles: Get Back
Directed by Peter Jackson (UK, USA, NZ 2021)
> Referat von Maurizius Staerkle Drux: Get Back to Being There
In January 1969, the Beatles convened in Twickenham Film Studios. The fascinating thing about watching Get Back, the eight-hour documentary, is how capacious the actual story feels…The intimacy of the footage is not just astonishing, it is surreal. Jackson has labored over this footage for untold hours, piecing together bits of audio with pictures and using AI to isolate and clean up formerly inaudible tracks. He has, in other words, created a narrative. But Get Back flows with the feeling of unmediated reality, of simply being in the room with the Beatles as they existed. Pitchfork/Jayson Greene 2021
A Tour Through Some of Alan Berliner’s Films
> Referat: Compilation, Collage, Counterpoint

Alan Berliner will talk about his specific approach with found footage over time, using excerpts from key films of his oeuvre. One of his films will be available for streaming.
> For a comprehensive overview of Berliner’s work see here.
> For an excerpt of Nobody’s Business see here.
Cause of Death
Directed by Jyoti Mistry, 2020
> Referat: Fabulating Documentary
“A timeless and universal phenomenon: violence against women and femicide. Jyoti Mistry expresses her thoughts on the subject through archive material, mainly dating from the first three decades of the last century (from Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam). The violence is suggested in short, unrelenting animations that are intertwined or merge with the archive footage. In the background we hear a lament in spoken-word poetry: Cause of death is woman.” IDFA 2020
Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body
Directed by Marta Popivoda, 2013
> Referat: Between Memory, History and Ideology
“Using over 50 years of impressive archive images from socialist Yugoslavia, the film questions the representation of ideology in official mass rallies as well as in counter-demonstrations. We skim through the key chapters of the history of the country, a progressive model for the Eastern bloc, tinged with notions of fraternity and unity. Then we stop on Milošević’s speech in Kosovo, an event that marked the end of an era, the outbreak of war, the rise of nationalism and capitalism.
The diverse choreographies of the people translate the socio-political climate and span history with intensity.” Vision du Reel, 2013
Our Memory Belongs to Us
Directed by Rami Farah, 2021
Research lead by Dima Saber
>Referat: Whose Stories will be Remembered?
How do you survive? By forgetting or by remembering? This eternal question is still very alive for the three Syrian activists Yadan, Odai, and Rani. Before the war they were, respectively, a law student, a lover of literature, and a volleyball champion. In 2012, Yadan crossed the border into Jordan, carrying a hard disk containing more than 12,000 videos shot by himself and other citizen journalists in Daraa, the birthplace of the Syrian revolution. In this emotion-laden documentary, the old friends meet again in an empty theatre in Paris after a long period of separation. IDFA 2021