An interdepartmental pilot project with students
Happy Robots was a pilot project of Zurich University of the Arts in cooperation with Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Design & Art (study field Animation). It was showcased with presentations and an exhibition, on September 22nd, 2018.
VR game by Chris Elvis Leisi and Oliver Sahli
ALAN is an interactive virtual reality experience in which you spend your first day in the Toni-Areal of the future. In a future world full of artificial intelligence, you can learn about the history and development of AI rights in the Museum of Design. [more]
Animation short by Samantha Leung and Wesllen Gschwind
Is the life of a human being more important than the life of an artificial intelligence? And if so, why? Chased by these questions the robot KAI tries to find answers, which lead him deeper and deeper into his own consciousness.
The beginning of a journey into the mind of KAI. A game of cat-and-mouse. A decision of life or death – And the question, who is he to decide? [more]
Human Resources
Short film by David Oesch and Ennio Ruschetti
Dave is the last human working at Ugago. The hip, creative company offers a unique working atmosphere and a motivated A.I community. Whereas Dave despises all the group activities like free Yoga classes or finger painting, his co-workers desperately try to encourage him. [more
Blow Off Your Steam
An augmented reality installation by Jonas Shriqui

This augmented reality installation was based on a holographic office dummy designed to reduce stress and frustration in companies. It allows its users to bend, move or exert other forces on digital images of employees. In this way, employees can let off steam without disturbing other employees. [more]
Mirror Mirr0r
Dance performance by Luca Magni, Luca Signoretti and Marion Täschler
Mirror, MirrOr is a dance performance across borders. During the performance the three dancers will learn to free themselves from their limits and the security of a rehearsed choreography and to free their inner selves through improvisation.
The dancer, a diva within his profession (Antonio Moio), enters the room together with the talented young dancer (Giorgia D’Amico). Antonio tries to impart his futuristic choreographic style to Girogia, but she cannot identify with it. Their rehearsal is interrupted by a robot (Sophie Bertschy). After some hesitation, the interactions between the dancers and the robot enable an embarkation into new worlds. Boundaries seem to be dissolved. Inner feelings are projected outwards, visible and audible to all, and the protagonists lose themselves in new dimensions. [more]